Tricity 125 Winter Pack

Winter is a time for festivity, holiday and celebration, and the Winter pack ensures that you experience that same feeling of joy with your Tricity. To keep your hands warm and toasty, whatever the condition, w...  Prikaži više...  Prikaži više


Izaberite model:

Tricity 125 Winter Pack

Winter is a time for festivity, holiday and celebration, and the Winter pack
ensures that you experience that same feeling of joy with your Tricity. To
keep your hands warm and toasty, whatever the condition, w…  Prikaži više…  Prikaži više


  • Knuckle visor: protect your hand against wind chill, while improving rider comfort
  • Grip heaters: premium quality with temperature controls and an auto shutdown function for battery conservation
  • Apron: water resistant and easy to remove and store, with a soft fleece lining to guarantee leg comfort, whatever the conditions

Tricity 155
Tricity 125
2023 Tricity 125

Uvek nosite kacigu, zaštitu za oči i zaštitnu odeću. Yamaha preporučuje sigurnu vožnju i poštovanje drugih vozača. Fotografije prikazane na ovoj stranici prikazuju profesionalne vozače u kontrolisanim uslovima. Specifikacije Yamaha proizvoda predmet su promene bez prethodne najave i mogu se razlikovati u skladu sa zahtevima i uslovima. Za više informacija obratite se svom Yamaha trgovcu.