Apron NMAX

Keep riding through wind and rain with the dedicated Apron for your Yamaha NMAX. Water-resistant and layered for warmth, this apron covers your legs to ensure comfort during bad weather rides.


Apron NMAX

Keep riding through wind and rain with the dedicated Apron for your Yamaha NMAX. Water-resistant and layered for warmth, this apron covers your legs to ensure comfort during bad weather rides.


  • Water resistant
  • Welded seams
  • Covers entire NMAX seat
  • Layered design that keeps you warm and protected from elements
  • Anti-theft cable
  • Storage bag
  • Fluorescent NMAX logo

Uvek nosite kacigu, zaštitu za oči i zaštitnu odeću. Yamaha preporučuje sigurnu vožnju i poštovanje drugih vozača. Fotografije prikazane na ovoj stranici prikazuju profesionalne vozače u kontrolisanim uslovima. Specifikacije Yamaha proizvoda predmet su promene bez prethodne najave i mogu se razlikovati u skladu sa zahtevima i uslovima. Za više informacija obratite se svom Yamaha trgovcu.